Plano Community Rotaract

Young Professionals Rotaract Club in North Texas

Welcome to the Plano Community Rotaract Club! We are a group of young adults who are passionate about making a positive impact in our community. Our members come from diverse backgrounds and bring unique perspectives to the table.

We believe in the power of community service, leadership development, and networking with like-minded individuals to create lasting change. Through our collective efforts, we can create a better world for everyone. 

Building a Better Future, One Project at a Time: Service Initiatives That Make a Difference in Our Community


Homeless Community

We’re committed to supporting the homeless community in our local area through service projects and partnerships with local organizations.

We are taking action by volunteering with Streetside Showers.

Our commitment to serving the community extends beyond just providing hot showers and clothing. Our goal is to collect and donate clothes, underwear, and hygiene items to them.

Join us in our efforts to support the homeless community by donating or helping spread the word about our mission.

Empowering Students:
Our Commitment to


We are passionate about supporting education and providing opportunities for students to succeed. That’s why we organize school supplies drives to ensure that every student has the tools they need to learn and thrive in the classroom. 

We collect gently used books that schools no longer need and donate them to Rotary clubs that distribute them in other countries.

Through our collective efforts, we are making a difference in the lives of students and helping to create a brighter future for our community.

Protecting Our Planet:
Our Commitment to

Environmental Sustainability

We are committed to preserving and protecting our environment for future generations. We believe that we all have a responsibility to care for the planet and reduce our impact on the environment.

Our goal is to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and inspire others to take action.

We are proud of our Go Green Challenge, an initiative designed to encourage individuals, to adopt more sustainable practices.

We believe that every small step towards sustainability can make a big difference in the long run.

Building Bridges Beyond Borders

International Projects

We have collaborated with Rotaract clubs in Colombia and Mexico to carry out various service projects.

One of our notable projects was donating a wheelchair to a child with cerebral palsy. In addition, we have worked on various projects related to urban agriculture and peace initiatives.

Despite being physically distant, we have also connected with members of these communities over virtual platforms like Zoom to better understand their needs and challenges.

Through these international projects, we strive to create meaningful change and foster connections across borders. We look forward to continuing our efforts and strengthening our global partnerships.

Feeding Communities: Our Commitment to

Alleviating Hunger

One of the ways we support this cause is by volunteering at the North Texas Food Bank every year. We believe that everyone should have access to nutritious food, and we are proud to contribute to this effort in any way we can.

We understand the devastating impact that food insecurity can have on individuals and families. That’s why wee are dedicated to taking action and making a meaningful impact in the fight against hunger.

By joining a Rotaract club, young leaders have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to making a difference in the world. Through a wide range of activities and initiatives, Rotaract members develop leadership skills, network with professionals, and gain hands-on experience in community service.

Rotary International video