We provided a few ideas and examples to complete the tasks but feel free to get creative!
Post your progress on social media to inspire others to do the challenge. Everything is more fun with friends.
Make sure to use #RotaractGoGreen and #District5810Proud
Feel free to download our personal tracking PDF and save it as you complete every task.
Submit your form by April 30th. Even if you don’t complete everything you still have made an impact and we want to track it and acknowledge you for that.
After the deadline, you will receive a digital certificate of participation or completion of the challenge.
We provided a few ideas and examples to complete the tasks but feel free to get creative!
Post your progress on social media to inspire others to do the challenge. Everything is more fun with friends. Make sure to use #RotaractGoGreen and #District5810Proud
Feel free to download the personal tracking PDF and save your file as you complete every task.
Submit your form by April 30th. Even if you don't complete everything you still have made an impact and we want to track it and acknowledge you for that.
After the deadline, you will receive a digital certificate of participation or completion of the challenge.
Participating in this challenge supports one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus: Protecting the Environment. We created this challenge as a way to bring Rotarians and Rotaractors together to take action. The challenge starts with World Rotaract Week and ends in April celebrating Environment Month.
Tap each box below to learn more.
Participate in a community clean up, or pick up litter you see when you’re out and about.
Each day, people in the U.S. throw away more than 60 million plastic water bottles.
Take a break from work and stress, and go for walk, a bike ride, or even plan a picnic.
100 billion plastic bags are used annual by consumers in the U.S.
Head to a farmer’s market to pick up local produce.
Plant a tree or some flowers in your garden or within your community.
Instead of throwing something out, find a way to upcycle it by using it for something else. (i.e. plastic to-go boxes make for great lunch bag containers)
A person can create around 67 lbs. of waste annually from single-use packaging. Packing a lunch using reusable containers can help reduce that.
It is estimated that 8.3 BILLION plastic straws pollute our world’s beaches. It is also estimated that it can take up to 200 YEARS to decompose.
Spring cleaning is here, but before you throw out something, ask yourself if someone else could use it. Donating things reduces the impact of waste disposal.
Did you know Starbucks gives 10¢ off when your bring your reusable cup? Or, skip the lines altogether and brew your own at home.
Participate in a community clean up, or pick up litter you see around.
Each day, people in the U.S. throw away more than 60 million plastic water bottles.
Take a break from work and stress, and go for walk, a bike ride, or even plan a picnic.
100 billion plastic bags are used annual by consumers in the U.S.
Head to a farmer’s market or farm to pick up local produce.
Plant a tree or some flowers in your garden or within your community.
Instead of throwing something out, find a way to upcycle it by using it for something else.
A person can create around 67 lbs. of waste annually from single-use packaging.
Around 8.3 billion straws pollute our world’s beaches. They can take up to 200 years to decompose.
Before you throw something out, ask yourself if someone else could use it and donate it.
BYOC to Starbucks and get 10¢ off or make your own drink at home.